Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Absolutely too cute!

The girls and I went on a little nature walk after picking Gwen up from school yesterday. I can't believe how adorable and amazing these girls are! We all had a fun time in the very crisp (mid-4os) Juneau day. It was the first time in weeks that the cloud cover hasn't been hiding the mountains and glacier, so I thought to grab the camera and it turned out well. Juneau gets about four days of fall before winter hits, so we try to enjoy it all we can.

In related news, I was on the national call-in radio show Chris Fabry LIVE yesterday, talking about my favorite memories of fall, and what fall means to me. If you go to "past programs" you can listen to the Sept 22 show yourself. The show is a favorite of mine and I try to listen every morning, but if you want to zip through most of the show, go to about 19:15. That's where my call starts and I yammer on for about three minutes. Spoiler: my comment involves football and napping.

By the way, in the above pictures, that's the Mendenhall Glacier and the Mendenhall River. Original, huh?

Happy autumnal equinox, everyone!


  1. Those girls are so flippin' cute. Can I have them? PLEEEAAASSSE???? Our family was just talking about how it should start snowing in Alaska (Valdez) soon and how much we are going to miss fall and winter and well, spring too. Enjoy your paradise...I'll just be here, sweatin' off my longhorns!!

  2. Sending hugs and kisses to those beautiful grand daughters!!!
