Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Party Time Up North

O'er the last six weeks or so, I've hosted a few of those at-home product parties. I thought it would be non-negotiable motivation for me to get and keep our house clean.

Well, guess what? It worked.

We are living in a clean and tidy house. Mostly.

We still have an area of dire concern - the "upstairs". Seriously, the whole second floor depicts the scariest scene from "Hoarders: Too Much of a Good Thing." More on that in some other post. Maybe.

Another area of dire concern around here is how much I really like the party products. Some of you may know that I sell NYR Organic products. Yes, they are seriously pretty awesome and SO good for you and the natural world, as opposed to the chemical poisons that most folks still use these days. Ahem. Sorry. I'm quite passionate about safety in cosmetics and beauty products, and if you have any questions about the poisonous dreck that is sold on supermarket shelves, most of which can be linked to cancers or sight disorders or severe skin problems, let me know. Whew.

But NYR Organic products are consumable. I can use them up. I can get one thing, use it until it's gone, then use the cute blue glass bottle or jar for something else.

Other at-home-party products are just with you forever. It's quite a committment, especially when you're paying the outrageous prices most of them ask.

A few weeks ago, I hosted a Pampered Chef party and just last night, a Longaberger basket party. (If you would like anything at this time, check this website and then email Longaberger consultant Ann Doty to place your order. The show closes on Thursday at 4pm AKST.) Anyhooo, now that my house looks so dang wonderful, don't I need to fill it with nice things? Maybe things that weren't found on a curb? Or obtained at my favorite place ever: FREECYCLE? That's a dangerous line of thinking in my book; however, a few nice pieces goes a long way for me. I've gotten several (read: 'way too many') neat gadgets from Pampered Chef and now for my first Longaberger pieces ever, I'm excited to venture in to the world of wrought iron. Love it!

A important, not-to-be-excluded component of a successful product party is the absence of hubby and kids. Last night, Greg and the girls went to the beach for swimming (didn't) and fun (did). They stumbled upon a smoldered fire ring with a nearby stack of firewood, so they plopped down around the fire and watched the sun set over the Chilkat Mountains. After several minutes, Amelia requested that we as a family "do this every day, Daddy."

In short, a good time was had by all. And there is no longer a towering stack of laundry on the couch. Yippee!

1 comment:

  1. I haven't been to a Longaberger party in years. A friend used to sell them and I still own and use quite a few of the baskets. I remember even trekking to the factory to take a tour to see the baskets being made. Super fun! The at home parties are great. I love the socializing and hello, the snacks!
