Thursday, May 6, 2010


That's it! I did it.... I nuked my Facebook page! And I feel GREAT!

Seriously, it's been about three weeks now and I can't believe how clean the house is! I do still miss my Scrabble buddies, but I truly feel like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. Too bad it didn't lift off my hips.

Being FB-free is freeing and I suggest you give it a try if you find yourself spending WAY too much time there. I'm hoping that I will be able to post more regularly on this blog, but I may become too wordy, because... speaking of regressing even further, technologically-speaking, we are also going back to primarily using 35mm film for picture-taking and memory-saving. We are not techno-heads and we likely never will be. Thus pictures may become scarce here shortly. Did I mention we may also do away with the Internet this fall?

A few more teasers about our life these days:
  • Gwen may be homeschooling for first grade.
  • Amelia is starting preschool this fall.
  • My bulbs from last year are coming up! I feel like I finally have some roots!
  • We have tons of trips planned this summer and fall. (POW Island, maybe Kenai, and of course the whirlwind IL/IN/OH/MI/WI/IL adventure extravaganza!)
  • I quit my job with the soccer league, effective the end of August.
  • Amelia is almost completely potty-trained. (She did it herself in just under four weeks.)
  • I'm anticipating SHAPING UP in the next twelve weeks.
  • We are still looking for a home church, but are getting closer every week.
  • We are celebrating Mother's Day by going shrimping. I hope you are doing something equally fantastic.
Are you still there? Send me a note in the comments if you're still checking in. Maybe I'll just blip this too!

Just kidding.

Or am I?



  1. Don't quit your blog, unless you want to. you can do like me and hit it when you want.
    Also, if you are looking into body repair work, like I am, he he...I've just found which is a website like weight watchers but is free and fun and you can make of it what you want and nobody checks in on you. Recipes, groups, ideas, and you can make whatever goals you want. try it out.

  2. Well I don't blame you about zapping the facebook. If I had small children and do all the things you do with them I would do the same. I still might. I will miss the little political controversies you started up with people,though.
    Hope you had a great mothers day and so happy for you getting the furniture. New furniture always makes me feal good. We've replaced a few real scruffy looking peaces ourselves. Loretta

  3. I am glad to see you writing on this again. I miss hearing about your kids and all the things going on. enjoy your new furniture. we had a nice Mother's day. Nile felt good enough to go to church with me and then we had a cookout at andrew's. was cold all day so mostly were inside. it is crazy weather here. we loved the hatchery in Juneau. remember, it was pretty warm that day?? wish we could come back Joyce

  4. So that's why I couldn't find you on FB! Hope you're doing well and enjoying life. xo, Patty
