Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A War Remembrance

The 1943 WWII attack on the Alaskan island of Attu, far out in the Aleutian Chain is not something that many people remember or even knew about at all. Pearl Harbor gets all the attention. But here is some great info on Attu and the events surrounding it that I felt compelled to share.


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Quinoa recipe

I just made up this great recipe for Father's Day last weekend and wanted to share.

Disclaimer: I'm not the kind of cook who measures stuff.

  • Cook some quinoa in beef or chicken or veggie broth. (Cook's choice)
  • As it's cooking (per package directions), chop up a whole bunch of fresh, uncooked veggies. Put the veggies and a whole lot of fresh-ground pepper in a big bowl. (I used leeks, red onion, red bell peppers, yellow mini-peppers, yellow carrots, green beans, and broccoli.)
  • Once the quinoa is cooked, let it cool at room temp for 10 to 15 minutes, then put it in the bowl with veggies and pepper.
  • Mix everything together well, adding more pepper to taste. (I'm grinding colorful peppercorns that I got somewhere.)
  • Refrigerate for an hour before serving.
Great for a potluck!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Facebook Unfriended Me!

Several years ago, when Amelia was still itty bitty or even before that maybe, I had a really bad case of Facebook-itis. It raged virtually unchecked for several painful years. During that time some of the ill effects included mountains of laundry - unfolded; stack of dishes - unwashed; mountains of well, chores, that just weren't getting done.

When we started homeschooling, I realized (finally) that something had to give. Since we decided (finally) not to get rid of the kids, Facebook was the thing we needed to cut. Not a biggie. I quickly enjoyed many days in a row not knowing what my long-lost high school nemesis' children had for breakfast.... and I was fine. Remarkably, I suffered no harm from not knowing this pertinent, pressing information.

In three years or so, I can honestly report that I never missed FB at all.

Until just last week.

A lot of the homeschool stuff I'd like to see or participate in is on Facebook. A lot of the soccer stuff, and things my friends or family are doing are on Facebook. No one sends emails, no one sends (gasp) snail mail anymore. After some deep soul-searching, I felt I had things under control enough to get onto Facebook- just the fringes.

I had lots of firm plans and sound ideas about how to scale back my activities from before (when I would play Scrabble for hours with my high school friend Brian from Chicago). I signed up this time under just my nickname and just my married name. I didn't list where I lived, or my old hometown. I didn't tell where I went to high school or college. And because I don't have a phone that can send or receive texts (which fuddy-duddies like me just don't do), I didn't enter a phone number. Plus, that's kind of a privacy thing for me, y'know?

For a week, things were blissful. I got to hear about events like homeschool picnics, church activities, and produce sales... before they happened! I was cruising along, posting pictures of a Minke whale, our camping and boating adventures, our crazy dog, and ourselves. I was liking lots of pages and being very deliberate about my choices. I was only friending my cousins and my other favorite relatives (which is all of them 'cuz they're awesome!). I friended Greg's family too since they are also so awesome and I didn't want to miss anything. A few select friends made the cut, too.

Bliss, I tell ya - pure bliss!

Even with the temptation of spending hours browsing through pictures of people I used to know but no longer recognize, I was able to stay in control of my time. I was winning the FB feud that I had inadvertently started years ago. Yippee for me!

Well, a few days ago, Facebook determined that I am not a real person so I no longer have access to my page. Hmm. Isn't that special?

Okay, let me be perfectly forthcoming about this. I have to either enter a mobile phone number, which I don't have, OR electronically send Facebook a scan of my government-issued photo ID card.

Uh huh. Really.

Now, not that I am completely all "was that a black helicopter?" (pretty close though), but this just doesn't seem like an idea that is worth it. I'm a believer in Big Brother and in not voluntarily putting all my info out there for all to see, in a really easily traceable, steal-able way.

Scoff if you will, but no thanks, Facebook. I just gotta draw the line somewhere.

Yes, I had the FB bliss.

But I've got other bliss. In fact, I've got so many things in my life that bless me and none of them are linked to or caused by or delivered through a screen.

Instead, when I get a chance, I'll be sharing the details of our happy, crazy Alaskan life here on my humble blog and not elsewhere.

As flattering as it can me at my age, I hope Blogger doesn't decide to card me as well, or it's snail mail for all. How long is a forever stamp valid?
The girls think it's so cool that Greg can drive the boat (F/V SeaSaw) with his knee.

Heading out to Pelican on the boat takes about six hours one way. Not the most exciting trip ever, especially for kids who are really used to eagles, otters, whales and mountains.
Snooze fest! Are we there yet?
One of the few pictures of our Pelican lot. It was a beautiful sunny day at Sunnyside!

Here's our new friend, a Minke whale. They are about the same size as a humpback, but the dorsal fin is much like a female orca. Really cool to see this!

Here I am at our campsite. We've got the boat set up for a pretty comfy night's stay.

And on to the 'further wildlife sightings' portion of this post:

Anemones and barnacles!


Kelp and another anemone!

Another sea star!

Oops - not so wild , that's Gwen our nine-year-old.

Another not-so-wild kid. Amelia/AMY the six-year-old.

Okay, admittedly they are a tad more wild when they are together!

I saw this brilliant seastar moving around near the dock.

Oops, it turned out to be an OCTOPUS! And then Greg had to try to catch it.
And then it grabbed ahold of some kelp while Greg was reeling it up. And then it tried to spray us with water and ink.
And then it got away.

Keta thought it was pretty exciting too.