Monday, April 6, 2009

Birthday Girl Preview

HEY! You there... in front of the computer. Yeah, you. Guess what?! Amelia turned two today! It's true! To prove it, let me tell you how cranky she's been all day from the exceptionally ginormous amount of sugar I've been allowing... in the form of cookies, candies, juices, you name it. I even bought peanut butter with SUGAR - the girls have never had that before, but since Greg's out of town, we decided to live it up a little.

Anyway, officially, today's the day, but Greg is in Yakutat until late Tuesday, so we are not celebrating until Wednesday. Check back for all the excitement. And more sugar.

And, apparently, WAY too many commas. I just noticed how many there are. Do I always do that? Level with me, Dear Reader. Be blunt.


  1. More belated birthday wishes to you guys are like the PARTY house!!!! I keep thinking my invites must be lost in the snow somewhere!!

  2. Happy Birthday Amelia!! We are so happy you are entering the terrible two's! Now your Aunt Bridget and your Mommy will have some fun stories to share about their "Terrible Two" experiences!
