Cake: scratch butter cream with whole wheat flour, in a stack of rounds
Frosting: store-bought cream cheese - verrrrry sugary!
Decorations: purple flowers and green leaves

Amelia: precious

I'm not sure if she was thinking that she had to sneak up on the candle or what. She was kind of hiding her eyes and laughing about the flame. Maybe it was just too much for her.

She LOVED the part when the lights went out and the singing began.....
TWO...two...two???? How is this possible? When did this happen? Can it have been two Valdez seems so much farther away than that and yet it's hard to believe Amelia is two!!!! Sweet cake!
ReplyDeleteHey jenny, just wanted to say that i check your blog often and love seeing all the pictures of gwen and amelia grow up...but 2 - WOW, I'm with Crystal on this one, how is this possible? She's has grown up so fast! Happy Birthday Amelia!!!!