Friday, September 21, 2012

Thinking Positively

OK, so you all know I'm at Swedish. The weather is amazing, but I would not recommend a core biopsy. Ouch! and &%$#@!!!
I now have a clinical diagnosis of breast cancer, but the pathology results will be back tomorrow and we'll have a better idea of treatments at that time. So far, the surgeon recommends chemo first to shrink the tumor then surgery after that. Not sure on the timing at this point. He also recommends a masectomy on the right side for starters. I may get a double whammy out of this before it's all over.
That's the news from here. I'll keep you posted as I can. Blessings!


  1. We are sending lots of prayers your way.
    Love ya, Auntie Chris & Uncle Doyle

  2. Big hugs and lots of love from Minnesota. CnC

  3. I am so sorry to hear this. You and your family are in my prayers! Hugs, Jeana
