We are really having an amazing time at school this year! The girls are doing GREAT, and that must mean I'm doing okay too. Lots of smiles in the house this year - so far.
Swimming lessons start next week. Gwen will be in Youth Level 3 and Amelia is in PreSchool Level 2. Both girls are excited to become better swimmers since we are going to Hawaii in February for Uncle Steve's wedding. We are hoping to do some family snorkeling, so we'll need the girls to get used to masks and snorkels.
I remember the first time I went - with my friend Jill on Oahu... I started breathing in the tube and very quickly snorted water into my own mask! When I heard myself breathing, I sounded just like Darth Vader and even now, over 13 years later, I still giggle when I think of it. So yeah, there's some acclimation to do with snorkeling. Luckily the girls have never seen Space Balls, the movie. Or Star Wars.
Nothing much else new under the Alaskan sun except that the sun is getting more scarce these days. We actually had to turn the heat on this morning. It was 58 in the school room and that was a little too chilly for school. No, we didn't cancel; we just moved out to the kitchen table where it was a more luxurious 62.
Speaking of school I'm hoping to have some pictures of our school room, nature hikes, and the like very soon, but am having a very hard time with our OLD computer not wanting to do anything I ask.
This is how non-technological we are: when we ordered this here new-fangled computer from Dell in the spring of 2005, I made sure to get a 3.5" floppy drive so I could get to my old college papers and stuff. Ummm hmmm. I had no idea that the software we used back in the day (1995!) would ever be obsolete.
Plus, on our top-o-the-line model we don't have a, um, what-d'ya-call-it, little slot thingy for the little card that comes out of the camera either. And I think the cord for camera-to-computer downloading is lost forever. Instead, I now put the little picture card in Gwen's homeschool laptop and burn a CD to then bring over to our archaic old grandfather computer, so I can try to get those pictures to upload to Blogger.
Blogger is having none of it.
In other news, we have stopped buying supermarket meat due to the hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, plastics, and general uncertainty of the quality and/or safety of the meat. Greg leaves for a moose hunt to an undisclosed location in a week, so the pressure's on! Get a moose or we starve. I suppose we would just eat halibut and salmon all winter, which may be the same thing as starving in my book.
Sounds exciting! Brooke has been asking me for years to homeschool...Charlie would be much better at that though....I'm all highly organized and he's all totally adventurous and fun when it comes to life and learning!