Friday, September 14, 2012

Fingers Crossed for Pictures...

Amelia picking dandelions while Greg leaves for a spring bear hunt.

Gwendolyn picking dandelions in the rare sunshine.
Beautiful flowers from beautiful girls.

Back to our normal rainy days.

We took a homeschool hike to the flume where much of the city's water supply comes down from the glaciers.

More lovely flowers to pick.

Can't resist a scenery shot or two. Didn't see any bears this trip, but did see one porcupine munching away.

UAS Community Day found us with lots of fun crafts to do, sights to see, and music to hear.
Here are two girlies with a big, metal raven.

Congrats to both Gwen and Amelia for successful completion of Sunday School.

Both girls were given their very own  Bibles as reward for memorizing all 66 books of the Bible.

The depths of Auke Lake where we took a hike with some homeschool friends last spring, and where Greg and I did the swimming leg of the triathlon in August.

Auke Lake Trail

Auke Lake Trail

1 comment:

  1. So excited to see pics of the girls and to get an update. I was just about to put out an SOS to my Juneau friends on Facebook to see if anyone had seen or heard from you.
