Friday, July 30, 2010

Eight whole years

Well, it's solstice in Alaska: the longest day of the year. We here in Juneau will enjoy just over 18 hours of daylight today. Sunrise was at 3:52am, with sunset at 10:09. It is the start of winter, really. From here on out, we get less daylight per day, leading us ever onward to winter's dark days. There are celebrations planned all over the state.

We are planning our own little celebration right here. Greg and I got married in a little town (even by Alaska standards) called Moose Pass eight years ago today, at the Trail Lake Lodge. Our ceremony was perfect, complete with a really loud floatplane taking off from right underneath the deck we were all standing on. We had beautiful weather, even more beautiful guests, and a great band. In fact, it looks like the Pretty Damn Close Band is still doing their thing!

Happy Anniversary, PB!


  1. Just catching up on your blog tonight. Happy belated anniversary! :)

  2. Having been thru Moose Pass briefly, I can say it must have been a lovely place to spend a wedding day. Happy Anniversary, albeit a bit late.
