Yep, ol' Yogi just moseyed through the yard, very close to the car where we were just staring at him.
Holy smokes! Thank God I was so exhausted from getting up so early (and also staying up late sewing a neck gaiter for Greg) that I made up a reason to just sit in the car for a few minutes, or we might have had a much closer encounter. So, those of you who scoffed at the teeth marks on our trash can lid (see older post) should be red-faced now.
And because it is such a pleasant surprise and an exciting time for Alaska, we're jumping on the Palin for VP bandwagon. Here is a picture of Gwen meeting Governor Sarah Palin last fall while we still lived in Valdez. Palin was pretty darn pregnant in this photo it turns out, but that still didn't make Gwen (Palin's very biggest fan in the world) want to smile or even look at the camera. I kid you not, when Palin was newly elected Governor in early 2006, Gwen would be running through the living room and come to a screeching halt in front of the TV, cock her head to one side and say, "Did somebody say 'Sarah Palin'?" It was so adorable considering Gwen had just turned two at the time. Also considering that neither Greg nor I voted for her.