In Seattle, I knew that I had about a three-hour layover so I found the gate and got comfy. I called a few friends that I just normally don't have time to talk to what with kid activities and school, and enjoyed chatting with them both so much (Hi Ape & Aim!) that I almost missed my flight to Irvine!
Okay, so I knew there were three flights to Santa Ana/Orange County all leaving within that three hour layover. For some reason, I thought that at least the last two were leaving from the same gate, so when a bunch of people started gathering around for boarding, I assumed they were boarding that earlier flight and that I needed to wait for them to leave and to board with the second group of people that I figured would show up after the other group left.
See? I was subconsciously trying to make a plan of action wherein I would not be required to listen to the bothersome announcements.
Bad idea.
The flight ended up boarding early for Orange County and I was still yacking away on the phone. As the announcements got louder and louder (the guy making them was sitting about 30 feet from me), so did I. I kept blabbing on about my treatment and the drunk guy on the first flight and all sorts of silliness. Somehow one sentence broke through the merriment of my conversation, "FINAL BOARDING CALL to Santa Ana."
Stunned, I cut the chatter off in mid-snicker and raced down the jetway, the last person on by a longshot.
Now, the whole time I was on the phone (for at least two hours), I know I was discussing things that I really had no business discussing in public. I can specifically recall words like, 'menopause' and 'mastectomy', and possibly 'bowels' being mentioned. Out loud. By me.
My justification for this behavior (appalling!) was that all these folks who were helplessly eavesdropping on me (as if they had a choice) were going on the first flight and I'd never see them again. Big deal. I made a mental note to check myself before the second group of passengers arrived. Didn't want strangers that I'd possibly have to sit by to know my entire medical history. That would just make everyone uncomfortable, right?
My face could not have been more red (redder?) as I found the last open seat on the plane and immediately donned my sleep mask and earplugs. Ugh.
Soon, I will relay the tales of my time actually in Cali. Fun! ...or was it?