Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dis an Dat

A little of this, a little of that....

I got Facebooked in a bad way and I'm sorry to say I am chilling over there most days when I could be blogging. To regain your good graces, dear reader, here are some catch-up photos.

'Tis the season... for violently hacking up an innocent vegetable and placing its carcass on your front stoop:

Patiently drawing the design...

Peace, my brother!

Ewww, gourd guts!

'Tis also the season for SNOW! We got several inches last weekend and it was beautiful! The girls loved it, but then it left and that's OK too.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Macaulay Salmon Hatchery field trip

WOW! Gwen had a field trip today to what us locals call "DIPAC", or Douglas Island Pink and Chum. The kids had so much fun, but it's possible the adults had more fun. The facility is really great, and Rich, our teacher for the day was wonderful. His assistant, Jodi, also had a lovely rapport with the kids, who were pretty rapt the entire visit. The aquariums are always a huge hit and here's why:FYI, that is a Christmas anemone, assumedly due to the red and green variegations.Henry the octopus-

Did you even know seastars even came in so many colors?In light of the upcoming Depression, my go-to question at each station was "Is that edible?"

Friday, October 17, 2008

Time Suck

Woah. I got sucked into Facebook this week, and it has been a mixed bag. On one hand, I have gotten a little bit caught up with some old friends from high school. On the other hand, my dishes are going to fall over and squash someone.

Speaking of squashing someone, here is a picture of me before my new job orientation on Wednesday. Yikes. Good thing I'm down 7 lbs, huh? Whew - that picture is very good motivation to get to the gym!

Well, we are all aflutter here at our house. I just started a new part-time job, and will begin another one before the end of this month. I can do both jobs from home, luckily. My mom comes to visit for 18 days starting Oct 27, just hours after Greg leaves for a week-long training in Anchorage. On Nov 1, Gwen preschool has its Fall Festival, which I am chairing. It's a fun event for 40 three- to five-year old kids and their families, including such activities as pumpkin bowling and musical hay bales. I'll be sure to post some pictures of the fun when I have a chance.

Until then, here's a picture of Amelia's day. I snapped this from the loft. What a patootie!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Well, what can I say?

No. Really. What can I possibly say about this week? We were just carrying on and living our life. Nothing particularly poignant or clever or exciting. In fact, it was relatively boring. We can sum up our week in a few bullet points:
  • Gwen has an awful cold. She feels fine, but sounds terrible. She has missed some school. Poor thing.

  • Amelia is a stinker. She knows how adorable she is and works it to her advantage. Spanks and scolding do not phase her unless they are from Daddy. Wonderful.

  • Greg got to take the boat out fishing, probably for the last time. He and a buddy (and the kids) got skunked but had a great day to be on the water. This is a shot from last week when Greg and Gwen went down to the hatchery to see if they could snag some silvers. Greg is getting a little concerned about the lack of meat in the freezer now that we've had our first freeze. Or two.

  • I started my fall soccer season yesterday. I'm the manager and we're playing in a new facility which is pretty cool. Even though the new field house is great, I kind of miss our old gym floors and the hard walls. Regardless, it was fabulous to get some exercise.

  • Greg and I are still going strong on and my total loss for the week was 3.5 pounds!! Yay! Greg's progress will not be noted herein.
  • We've had just a few nice, sunny days in the last couple of weeks. The girls and I are enjoying every one. Look! Amelia is finally getting some hair!And I don't really have a category for this picture. I just thought it was kind of neat. And no, that is not Tina Fey. It's getting hard to tell, huh?