Patiently drawing the design...
Peace, my brother!
Ewww, gourd guts!
'Tis also the season for SNOW! We got several inches last weekend and it was beautiful! The girls loved it, but then it left and that's OK too.Patiently drawing the design...
Peace, my brother!
Ewww, gourd guts!
'Tis also the season for SNOW! We got several inches last weekend and it was beautiful! The girls loved it, but then it left and that's OK too.Well, we are all aflutter here at our house. I just started a new part-time job, and will begin another one before the end of this month. I can do both jobs from home, luckily. My mom comes to visit for 18 days starting Oct 27, just hours after Greg leaves for a week-long training in Anchorage. On Nov 1, Gwen preschool has its Fall Festival, which I am chairing. It's a fun event for 40 three- to five-year old kids and their families, including such activities as pumpkin bowling and musical hay bales. I'll be sure to post some pictures of the fun when I have a chance.
Until then, here's a picture of Amelia's day. I snapped this from the loft. What a patootie!