Greg and I completed our second sprint distance triathlon this weekend. Greg had some loftier goals than I, so I actually accomplished mine.
Goal #1: don't scratch... check
Goal #2: don't die... check
Goal #3: shave 10 minutes off last year's time... check
Three for three! Yippee!
So, here's a description of the race from the official race site:
"Race Distances: 750 meter swim in Auke Lake (wetsuit is mandatory), 19K bike, and a 5K run."
My Canadian readers will not have nearly the trouble with these distances as will my fellow Americans. The conversion for the swim equals about just over 820 yards or about .47 miles. The bike ride is almost 12 miles and the 5K equals about 3.1 miles.
Just about 15.5 miles total.
I completed (not "competed", mind you) in just over 2 hours. 2:07:58 in fact. Last year's time was 2:18:40. Not too shabby for a 43-year-old, couch potato-ey, stage 4 cancer patient! I bet losing that cantaloupe-sized tumor and the 40+ pounds in the twelve months between races clinched the staggering ten-minute difference.
Okay enough bragging, even though I am clearly very pleased with the results and my race.
What ingredient is thus far missing from my race summary post?
Yes! God's unfailing faithfulness and healing! His awesome might and power to protect, inspire, and receive my praise!
During our sermon at church Sunday, I had an entire blog post come into my head. It was a bit of a struggle to simultaneously listen to Pastor Matt as well the voices in my head, so I wrote as much of my internal musings down as I could and I'd love to share them with you
now, er,
tomorrow, er, SOON.
The official race results will be available on that weebly site also sometime soon, I hope.
For now, enjoy some photos of the race...
I passed FOUR people during the swim! Woah - unheard of! |
My official time out of the water was less than what this shows. Those huge clocks are SUCH a great help to gauge my progress. Someday I may get my own sports watch so I can figure this kind of stuff out myself. But for now, I just enjoy the ride and thank whomever puts these clocks out on the course. |
I just about dumped my bike over in the transition area. I should have put my helmet on first but the giggle moment was well worth it. I've learned not to take myself too seriously during the Aukeman. And to chuckle at every opportunity! |
Greg's epic finish!
The guy behind him is a 25-year-old co-worker who just couldn't combat Greg's unexpectedly swift final sprint. |
The last few yards of the 5K were a little hard on my swelling fingers, so I was massaging the fluid out while I walked up these cruel, awful, demonic switchbacks. Our nephew Trevor snapped this one and the next as the kids were all waiting and wanting to run with me to the finish line.... that was the plan anyway. |
Here's Gwen, happy that I'm almost done. I've just about crested the hill to the final stretch. |
When I saw the clock, I instantly began sprinting like I've never sprinted. I wanted to make the line in under 2:08 since last year's time was 2:18:??... I wasn't sure what the seconds were, so I knew I HAD to get there in under 2:08. The poor kiddos were left in the dust, but I DID beat my own 2:08 buzzer! |
Yay! 2:07:58! Next year I'm going to crack the 2-hour barrier. |
Greg and the girls are so darn encouraging and cute! |