Thursday, November 12, 2009
A Breezy Night in Juneau & other news
A wind advisory is in effect through nine this morning.
Gusts to 50 miles per hour are expected.
Meteorologist Michael Mitchell in the Juneau Forecast Office says there were gusts to about 40 miles per hour at South Douglas. There was a gust to 46 at the Federal Building and it hit 49 miles per hour at the airport.
A 63 mile per hour was recorded at the Mt. Roberts Tram. There were gusts to 85 at Eaglecrest and a gust clocked at 132 miles per hour was recorded atop Sheep Mountain.
The Southeast winds are forecast to diminish to 15 miles per hour this afternoon.
And this one, too:
Studio settlement reported for fake movie news
FAIRBANKS, Alaska (AP) — The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner reports Universal Pictures has agreed to pay $20,000 to the Alaska Press Club to settle complaints about fake news archives used to promote the move "The Fourth Kind."
The Anchorage lawyer who negotiated the settlement for the Fairbanks paper and six other media outlets, John McKay, said the fake online stories undermined the credibility of the news organizations.
Universal created a series of online news articles to promote the movie about a plague of alien abductions in Nome a decade ago.
(Fairbanks Daily News-Miner)
Sunday, November 8, 2009
We have a winner! Oh, and one more thing...
Hearty congrats to the Nowak family and their brilliant (yet humble) daughter Brooke for offering the correct answer which is "Robin Hood"! The opening song that is repeated throughout the movie is quite catchy. It's one that sticks with you fo' dayz!
I'll get a few cans of yummy salmon to you guys soon. Maybe I'll include some recipes in case you tossed all your Alaska-themed cookbooks when you moved to the LoneStar State.
Friday, November 6, 2009
The Rundown from Up Here (plus a contest...)
Enter your guess/answer in the comments section and I'll get that prize out to you ASAP.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
It's Always Something...
Just this week, I finally recognized the pain. In college, twenty years ago(!!!?) and only a week apart, both my shoulders suffered separations and dislocations during soccer games. Ironically, both of those games were at a stadium in St. Louis. (Cue the eerie, creepy music.)
At the time, our athletic trainer told me I'd need to have surgery if I wanted to continue playing competitively. I was only 19 and thought I could give up soccer so I opted not to have the surgery(s). I hit the physical therapy pretty hard and ended up with no adverse effects, other than the unique party trick of being able to pop my shoulders in and out of socket at will. I even went back to playing soccer regularly about six years after my injuries (currently playing three nights a week), and never had any problem, until now....
So, even though this pain felt vaguely familiar, I was truly hoping that indeed I was just falling apart, another popular hypothesis with our crowd.
Today, I got a much more official speculation from the doctor. She referred me to the orthopedic surgeon who I will see tomorrow hopefully. Two words uttered today that I really hoped I'd never hear in relation to my own medical care were "rotator cuff".
I'm gonna need to get tougher.
Kids say the darndest things!
Cheese sticks? "THANK YOU GOD!"
Organic milk? "THANK YOU GOD!"
Two cartons of brown eggs? "THANK YOU GOD!"
One poor dented, damaged, neglected box of No-Bake Oreo Cheesecake Mix on clearance? "OH THANK YOU GOD!" OK, even I said it for the cheesecake!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Business as usual
To prevent your sheer boredom, I won't share the vast majority of the pictures I took on this trip. There are lots of things that my kids don't see very often, if ever.... bridges, traffic, trains, sky-scrapers, graffitti, billboards, farms, muddy rivers, fall colors, pollution... the list is endless. And while I had a great time catching up with Amy and meeting her family (they.... are..... AWESOME!), I had a really hard time being in the big city. (Hope I didn't complain too much, Amy!) It was quite the eye-opener for me to realize how truly Alaskan I am to the core.
I'm not sure I'll ever do another trip without the girls and Greg while the girls are still young, but being away gave me exactly the break I needed and the focus that I was lacking before I went. Next time I might just head out the road for an overnight hike/camp instead.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Mini Vacay for Mom
I'll be gone for five days, to St. Louis to see an old friend whom I just reconnected with this spring on Facebook. Will wonders never cease? Look out, Dysoninskiwicz! Here I come!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Hunting and Training and Bears, Oh My!
On October 1, Greg left for a hunting trip with a new buddy from work, and even though I had the complete itinerary and all the specs for the boat, trailer, truck, passenger, captain, and location, plus the Plan B and Plan C info, I was still unusually uneasy about this trip.
My anxiety manifested itself in unbridled shopping each day Greg was gone. As we are on quite a tight budget, this was not good to say the least.
What IS good, however, is that Greg is back safe and sound. He and his friend had a fun trip, their weather was awesome (crisp and clear) and they got to explore an area that Greg had never had time to in the past (It's a secret, I can't tell you where they went!). There is no meat for the freezer, but he may give it one more try before we winterize the boat.

Speaking of bears.... while Greg was gone, we had one here at the house. He ripped up our trash pretty good and spread it all around the neighborhood (the bear did, not Greg). We also had a mouse in the house and the girls and I had to set out traps. Later that same day (yes, mouse and bear came around just minutes apart), I smashed Amelia's hand in the trunk of my car. She is fine (just a small bruise) but I was a little wobbly to say the least.
Speaking of Amelia (such original segues, huh?), she is potty training! Yes, she's only two and a half but she seems ready so we have the "big girl potty chair" out and are giving it a try. She is pretty hit or miss, but doing a great job so far. Some days she claims she is still a "widdle baby" and needs to wear diapers. But usually she is clamoring for the pull-ups.
Speaking of pull-ups (remember those exercises you used to do in gym class way back when? the trembling arms, the straining, the agony...) Well, I'm not doing them. But I am in training. Lo and behold, I am going to be 40 YEARS OLD in February, people!!! I am trying to lose 40 pounds so I can play in a soccer tournament in Kona, Hawaii over President's Day weekend, which is the same weekend as my birthday this year. I've been picked up by a team from Whitehorse (Yukon Territory, Canada). Since I really want to survive the heat and enjoy the challenge, I am up nearly every morning at 5:39am before Greg goes to work so I can hit the gym.
So far I have almost zero progress to report, but I feel I'm on the right track, if only I wasn't set on eating all the Halloween candy in Juneau before those pesky kids can get it.
Speaking of Halloween, you may wonder what in the world Amelia was wearing in that last picture. She and Gwen were saying good-bye to Daddy and Amelia insisted she wear her "Princess Jaguaria" outfit to do so. It was sent from Yakima by Greg's sister, Suzanne and Amelia loves it. Although I'm fairly certain the little cheetah/jaguar costume was meant to be separate from the adorable princess/ballerina dress, my girls combined the two and came up with "Princess Jaguaria". Behold:

I can't figure a smooth way to transition in to this, but my mom got a chuckle out of it when I told her, so maybe you will too....
Gwen came home from school last week and told me about all the drills they have to learn in Kindergarten. I asked if she meant fire drills and she said, " Yeah, and drills for the big waves and earthquakes. But the drill we had today was the best one." (By the way, "big waves" = tsunamis.)
"Oh, what drill was it?", I offhandedly inquire.
With eyes gleaming as only five-year-old eyes can, she said, "It was the bear-on-the-playground drill, and it was so fun!"
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Winter is here, no kidding!

Monday, September 28, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
School Days and Delays

Monday, September 14, 2009
the Punch Line
Just to tie up some loose ends for you, Amelia is not allergic to bee stings. She weathered it like a champ. I held an icepack on her cheek on and off for about an hour, and that was the end of it. You could barely see where the stinger went in by the next morning.
We never had an infestation of head lice here. We are still kind of freaked out and occasionally Greg will get kind of crazy-itchy and think the worst, but a thorough check reveals nothing. We are stocked up on all sorts of products though, just in case.
Gwen seems to really like school. She got to do the "calendar job" all last week which consists of arranging the one whole wall of her classroom into the correct date, day of the week, number of days they've been in school, the month, the weather, etc. She LOVES that job and wasn't quite thrilled to hear that each week the job assignments change. She feels since she is the best at that job she should just get to keep doing it.
Anyway, we like the school a lot. The teacher Gwen has, Ms. McLaughlin, is great. I went in several days to help with lunches just be another adult in the room, but since there are only 15 kids in her classroom, the extra grown-ups aren't really warranted. It's nice to note that I am welcome in the classroom at any time, though. Amelia thinks she belongs there so we do go in at least once a week to help with a tricky recess to lunch transition. The "big" kids really enjoy her being there and the girls dress her up with all sorts of princess clothes and shoes. Amelia just eats it up!
Gwen is getting pretty independent and tells us she'll be taking the bus to school before this week is out. We have followed the bus to school several times, and we'll actually watch the kids get on board tomorrow (several of them are from her class). The next day, Amelia and I will follow the bus with Gwen in it. I was a little nervous about this whole idea until I realized that we are the very last stop before the bus gets to school. She'll be on the bus for all of about 4 minutes, so I think I can handle this.
No pictures today, but I will have some of Gwen's first day as well as the DEADLIEST CATCH crab pots that are now resting in our side yard.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Are you KIDDING ME???!!!
Kindergarten craziness, surprise mullet.... a friend tells us her daughter who was over here all day on Wednesday and went with us to the salon for Gwen's 'do tweak (which is growing on us and looks super-cute) now has lice. Amelia had a 102-degree fever and the rest of us had scratchy throats and flu-like body aches yesterday so we all missed Church, and today Amelia got stung by a bee, which is more than a little alarming since Grandpa is allergic, so I'm constantly checking her for anaphylactic shock and other symptoms. We start school on Thursday and Greg "won" two used commercial (like Deadliest Catch?) crab pots in an auction.

Where is the Candid Camera crew and the laugh track? Surely someone is joking.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Usurper of The Day
All day on Tuesday I was on the phone or the computer getting tips from the other moms, some of the admin staff at various schools, and even the inside scoop from some of the teachers I know. I spent hours talking to principals, librarians, and to poor Greg who was at work while I literally freaked out at home. As of this post, it seems we have found a school and we are pretty pleased with our decision.

Well, I'll have you know that I am very proud of my reaction. Those of you who know me well will hopefully be rightfully impressed that I said,"Oh, wow. What happened here, Punkin?" while my inter-monologue skipped along with, "Are you KIDDING ME??!!! School pictures are in like TWO WEEKS! OH GREAT! Is that a MULLET?!! Wipe that smirk OFF YOUR FACE right this MINUTE!!! I can't believe I'm on the phone trying to find the BEST EDUCATION for you and-now-you-look-like-you've-just-been-through-chemo-no-wait-oh-man-you-look-just-like-my-brother-where's-the-Flowbee?" (Yes, we do really have one of those. Greg uses it religiously.)
So, we raced off to the salon. There was some hacking and some whacking and then we ended up with this:
I ask you, does this look like a child who is ashamed of her actions? Embarrassed? Chagrined in the least? Nope. We even asked her while we were out visiting last night how she thought Mommy felt about the new haircut. She didn't have any ready response, so I led the witness a bit. I asked if I was mad about it and she quickly, confidently answered "No", as if it was preposterous to think I'd be upset at all. Thus I must have successfully hid my true feelings of sorrow, resignation, and self-recrimination. But be assured, she is not getting unsupervised scissor time until she graduates from high school.
I keep trying to remember that it really could've been worse. I have an ongoing list of positives running through my head...
She didn't poke out her eye. She didn't maim herself or her sister. We can see her pretty eyes and face. No more tangles and fights about brushing. No more losing barrettes and hairbands. No more syrup and yogurt and milk getting into those long locks.
She is beautiful, but I really think this is just a precursor to the teen years. And I'm more than a little scared.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Granny's in town!

Can you even tell which one is which? I'll be excited to read your comments!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
July 4 Round Up